Sup Y'all - came across this on PSFK...their write up is below...the graf game will hate on this hard but it's a pretty cool invention - i guess one argument could be made that it could improve the state of graffiti by providing toys with the tools to work on their can control before hitting a public environment...
We’ve previously written about Daim’s 3-D graffiti, now a couple of Media Art and Design students are working on a Wii-Controller turned Spraycan. Wiispray is a prototype, currently under heavy development as part of a final-thesis design work by Martin Lihs at Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany.
Wiispray aims to give sprayers all the tools of a real-life spraycan with a digital extension. This neat gadget could open the concept of a digital spraycan to a wide audience. The virtual spraycan simulates real spraying characteristics and comes with a range of different caps and of course paints. Collaborative spraying on a virtual wall is planned as well.