Monday, January 21, 2008

This Is A Test

It's Monday...again...I've decided to try something new this week...hence the blog...I'm hoping to eventually use this blog as a means of sharing information with my friends and family. Over the last few months my growing love for RSS and Alerts has resulted in me spending too much time sending information (links etc) to my friends. I'm hoping the blog will be able to act as a hub of an array of interesting links and thoughts (though mostly links). I'm not sure what the technicalities are with regards to sharing articles and links found on other blogs and site...this project will be run by trial & error.

I'd like to take this opportunity to try and share a link. I came across the following on Springwise. The site - LIFTOPIA offers skiers and shredders reduced lift tickets to select resorts. I took a quick gander at the site - it is good but limited in terms of how many resorts it represents. Nonetheless it's worth keeping in your back pocket - who know where you might find yourself looking for cheap lift tickets.

Finally, believe it or not, but it snowed like crazy at Mount Saint Louis Moonstone this weekend. We rolled up there expecting bulletproof hardpacked but we're blessed with two feet of fresh - completely unheard of in Onterrible. It was truly a gift - check out the MSLM site here

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